Where to Begin?

Cost Effective Marketing

Never underestimate effectiveness of free advertising, if you are on a limited budget I have wonderful news! There are many ways to achieve initial success with MCA no matter what the budget. Motor Club of America provides us with wonderful marketing tools located in the back office under the SALES SUPPORT tab. Such as well thought out illustrated brochures explaining the Motor Club of America benefits and the Business opportunity. When I first Started out I posted information about MCA on my Facebook. Utilize your initial everyday contacts meaning Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and use those mediums to  post pictures explaining the wonderful money making opportunity MCA affords us. 


Every business from the largest corporations to the small family owned businesses, recognize the power and effect that advertising has on their businesses. There are UNLIMITED cost effective/free advertising methods, it's all a matter of learning how to expand your mind to accomplish your objectives. Don't be afraid to try new things! Possessing the ability to think out side the box will be one of your greatest asset.
You can post ads in free classified ad sites the list goes on and on. there should be no shortage on classified ad sites to post to. Simple visit some of the suggested ad sites copy and paste the ads that I have written for you AND IT'S THAT SIMPLE!

Free Classified Ad Sites



The following is a list of 48 actual ads or "Power phrases" to use in newspaper, flyers, 
door-hangers, or any other kind of advertisements. You can turn one response from 
a promotion into thousands if you properly network.
1. Earn Serious Income
2. Are you building your dream, or someone else's? Own your 
own business.
3. JOB SECURITY is looking at the boss - in the mirror. Get job 
security here...
4. Does it ever break your heart to leave your kids at daycare? 
Change it... If it breaks your heart now, imagine the regret 15 
years from now when you can't do anything about it! I have a 
video I will send you that solves this problem!
5. I'm looking for 3 crazy entrepreneurs who want to wear tailor 
made clothes and drive fancy sports cars. Will train.
6. My business is exploding. I need help. Will train.
7. Smash your alarm clock! Get up when you're done sleeping!
8. Did you miss your children's first step, first words, first school 
play??? Here's an alternative...
9. Work Very Hard for 4 years. Harder than you can imagine. 
Then do whatever you want for the rest of your life.10. How hard would you work for an extra $3200 per month?
11. Who answers a job advertisement for $7.50 an hour? Who 
answers an ad for a CEO position with a starting salary of 
$500,000? The difference is only in the way you perceive 
yourself. Are you worth more?
12. If you’re looking for great location, salary and a fun, 
aggressive group to work with then this could be the position for 
you. Growing, dynamic, family oriented marketing company is 
aggressively seeking people who enjoy being on the phone and 
talking to people. Apply today via...
13. $$$ Rewarding sales position for growing dynamic 
organization. This company offers an excellent compensation 
package, high profile position and flexible hours (as long as you 
get the job done!). Successful candidates will use a self starter, 
high energy attitude and good interpersonal skills in the 
performance of opening new accounts. Apply today!
14. Need more money; NOW!
15. Does it ever break your heart to leave your kids at daycare?
16. Looking for a FUN business?
17. Go to the golf course when it's not crowded.
18. The truth about making money. A lot of it.
19. Extremely well paying position available to right person. Must 
have sales & marketing experience. Sales training a big plus.
20. Wealth formula that takes a lot of effort—but retires you in 4 


Youtube is a instant way to reach masses in a cost effective ;-) way and it fun! Methods to get FREE YouTube Views

1-Make a good quality video through a high definition camera, if you do it for professional use.
2-Choose topics to create videos on which are bound to be popular or maybe you could be the first one to start on a new topic.
3-Create a email list and tell all of your contacts to check out your video ( Whether they are your friends and family, or business clients if you do it for business purposes)
4-Try to use content targeted keywords and put as many appropriate tags as you can.
5-Email your friends and family about your videos.
6-Share it with your friends on social networking sites like facebook, twitter etc.
7-Post it on digg, stumbleupon.
8-You could put it on your blog, or tell your friends to put it on theirs.
9-Make people aware of your video through online forums likes www.digitalpoint.com where there is free review service for everything
10-You could post it on sites where you refer other's and get free views.
11-Put in eye-catching thumbnails
12-Make the videos short(precise) and up-to the point so that more n more people watch it.
13-Get YouTube friends or do the sub4sub thing (Do it once in a while so that it's not spam)
14-Place in nice thumbnails ( meaning put in the most thrilling part of your video at the half so that it's attracting to people.
15-Tell as many people as you can, spread the video as much as you can.

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